About us

about us manifesto


The Earth is Our Boss.

Guided by three hands—Create, Connect, Protect—we transform waste into opportunity.

Through creativity, we connect people, inspiring a global movement to protect life and our planet.

Together, we redefine fashion with purpose, crafting a future where sustainability is the thread that unites us all.

Meet the artists behind

Xenia Sidorenko, owner and creabve designer of upcycling brand useDEM Born in Russia and raise in St Peterburg, surrounded by breathtaking architecture and exposed to the arts at Ballet school gave Xenia her the inspirabon for her creabvity today. Her passion for sustainability came from her experience with mass producbon denim jeans as a Product Designer and the adverse impact the industry had on the environment. Xenia witness firsthand the wastage of texbles and the pollubon problems these fast fashion business models create. Xenia, simply couldn’t stand idly by, doing nothing and the idea for useDEM came about when Xenia was asked to clear a showroom of jeans and discard them. Xenia, instead rescued them, used them… or useDEM. The jeans found their way to her apartment where she began cunng and experimenbng, ulbmately resulbng in the creabon of the first useDEM backpack, Buddy Bag. 

And so it was, from her modest apartment in Shanghai, China she founded useDEM in 2015 with a primary goal of reducing texble waste. Believing that upcycling is a possible solubon to the texble industry’s pollubon. More than that, by transforming discarded texble into unique, beaubful, and marketable products, useDEM aims to reshape our consumer-driven society’s mindset. As Xenia eloquently puts it, “we give the material a chance to live again.”


For B2C, we empower end consumers to embrace sustainable shopping and take an active role in reducing textile waste. With UseDem, every individual has the unique opportunity to transform their old jeans into stylish, one-of-a-kind fashion pieces that tell their own story. For B2B, we collaborate with forward-thinking companies to integrate mass upcycling into their business models. Our upcycling methods and processes enable businesses to transform surplus fabrics, unsold inventory, or outdated products into valuable, sustainable goods. Together, we help fashion and other businesses to reduce waste, enhance their sustainability credentials, and align with the growing demand for responsible practices.


At useDEM, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of our values.
We are proud to stand alongside HomeSweetHome, an organization devoted to providing training and jobs for individuals with special needs

Meet our team


The visionary founder of USEDEM — a limitless upcycling designer with a mantra: The Earth is My Boss. Ecopreneur cra|ing a sustainable revolubon one design at a bme


Leading the way as China Brand Manager, dedicated to environmental awareness, advocates Think Big Act Consciously


Introducing our European Brand Manager Dorine, a dynamic force in sustainable leadership, driving a relentless commitment to upcycling pracbces in Netherlands.

ANDIE Yunhua Wu

With a keen eye for business strategy, Andie ensures each cooperation amplifies our impact while delivering mutual value.

DARIA Krasnoperova

Daria is passionate about sustainable business development and meaningful marketing, has been working in China for 9 years for international brands.


A|er a long career in the fossil fuel industry, I sought to make a meaningful impact on the environment. Becoming a board advisor for a sustainable brand allows me to contribute posibvely to sustainability efforts. I'm passionate about driving change and supporbng innovabve solubons for a beÉer future.

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